A Synopsis of Me

I am retired from my early through midlife vocations and for the most part from my preceding life, as it goes. I now create things - mostly models: mathematical and graphical (and conceptual it truth be known). I also make physical ones. These are my hobbies now. It is a vocation and a calling I delineate as “projects”.

I do accept commissions or contract projects if the underlying idea intrigues me enough. My projects, most often free and open source which I share with the greater community. These as non-commercial in intent and expected use or application. I have a scale or description I apply to commercial or for profit applications (available on request). Otherwise I solicit donations, PayPal or “By me a coffee” to allow me to continue free and open source projects (the major part of my time spent).

You can also follow me on Patreon - and even subscribe thre to support my creativity.

If you feel need for a 3D model (animated or otherwise) particlarly of an aviation or STEM theme I will consider it, as I said above. I will respond to all (Yes or No) and whether I consider it a potential free open source (F&OS) nature or outright commercial (FP) request. The more detail of nature and intent from the requestor the better my response. But project proposals exceeding a US letter sized page (in 12 pt Times Roman font) will likely be not read and an automatic no response.

My first motivation is to enjoy creating not to make money.

Contact / Follow:

email: medmatix@gmail.com